Starting from June 2019, students who will complete their summer internships should pay attention to the listed below.

Please note that failure to satisfy/meet any single one of the items below will result in rejection of your internship!

1. According to final decision of Faculty Administrative Board, documents which consist of

  • the internship book approved by Career Center (KAMER in Turkish),
  • assessment form of student prepared by the institution where internship was conducted in a closed and sealed envelope,
  • entrance and exit documents of your insurance ,
  • any other necessary documents that should be checked with KAMER

must be delivered to Head of Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering (or to Cengiz Riva or Göksel Çankaya on behalf of Head of Department) until October 04th, 2019, 4:59pm.

2. The internship book which is required by the Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering should be of the digital form (MS Word or pdf format or any editable digital format) and it must be upload to Turnitin with class number and password in order to check plagiarism. (Class Number: 22486645, Password: icuee2019) However, in order to archive internship books, Istanbul Commerce University anticipates hardcopy versions of the digital files as well. Therefore, you are expected to both send digitally and deliver a hardcopy version of your internship book.

3. Internship books whose plagiarism scores are higher than 5% will NOT be accepted.

4. Institutional Student’s Assessment Form (Annex-5) which will be taken from the institution where the internship was conducted must be delivered in the sealed and closed envelope.

Please note that failure to satisfy/meet any single one of the items above will result in rejection of your internship!