Istanbul Commerce University

College of Engineering

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering


  • Design Project/Graduation Project Rules and Guidelines:
  • Presentation will be public.
  • Evaluation will be private.
  • Upon project assignments, there will be no assignment change, replacement, etc.
  • Each project will be governed, supervised, and followed up with its supervisor. Students assigned are obliged to follow the guidance of their supervisors.
  • Design project score, grading, and all the relevant procedures regarding project evaluation will be kept track by the supervisor.
  • There is no collaboration in carrying out the projects. Two/three students may be assigned to a single/the same project. However, each of the individual should carry out his/her own project separately. In case two (or more) students are assigned to a single/the same project, performance, cost, complexity, novelty, innovation, etc. will be taken into account in their relative evaluations. Superior performance over inferior will be considered advantageous in grading.
  • Any project that includes programming/design based on software to any extent will be checked with source code plagiarism tools. Fundamental blocks, functions, procedures and/or core parts/designs of the software will be searched across the source code plagiarism tools. Any project yielding more than 5% overlap with any other source code present in the plagiarism tool repository will directly be considered to fail with letter grade “F.” Furthermore, supervisor will submit a formal complaint to Committee on Discipline. A discipline file including the letter defining the type of violation will be formed and documented regarding academic integrity and dishonesty rules and guidelines. The discipline file then will be archived and affiliated with relevant students’ academic records.

Student Responsibilities:

  • The student is responsible for the successful completion of the Design Project and Graduation Project as follow-up under the rules and guidelines brought about by the Department.
  • The student is obliged to organize, keep track of, and follow up with necessary daily and/or weekly and/or monthly meeting with his/her supervisor.
  • The student is obliged to prepare a final report for Design Project and a thesis for Graduation Project both accompanied with presentations which will be presented on the day of final exam to be set by the Department.
  • The student is obliged to provide in the Design Project phase with the following:
    • Background of the project
    • Motivation for the project
    • Problem statement
    • Scope of the project
    • Literature review
    • Project requirements
    • Identification of alternative solutions/approaches and justification of selecting a solution/approach
    • Project architecture
    • List of electronic elements to be used, embedded systems, off-the-shelf sensors/products, estimated cost, and etc.
    • Expected outcomes
    • Identified tasks and a tentative work plan for project implementation
    • Students are obliged to register their projects with Technology Transfer Office (TTO) by providing a specially formatted document which will be announced online on [].
    • Each and every student is obliged to sign a “statement of academic honesty” and submit it to his/her supervisor as hardcopy which will be appended to his/her Graduation Project Thesis at the end. The “Statement of Academic Honesty” should include the following text:
      • “I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and standards of ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and standards, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work.”

Supervisor Responsibilities:

  • Supervisor is responsible for providing the necessary guidelines for the student to successfully develop and complete the project. The supervisor will meet the student during the semester on a regular basis which will be under the responsibility of the student to provide the proper assistance and motivation as necessary.
  • Supervisor is responsible for scheduling and providing the timeline of the project progress regarding what to deliver when, etc.
  • Supervisor chairs the committee.

Committee Responsibilities:

  • The Committee will attend both Design Project and Graduation Project Final presentations.
  • The supervisor is responsible for investigating, evaluating, analyzing, and reviewing the progress, report, and oral presentation of the student in the public session.
  • The letter grade will be delivered “solely” by the supervisor in Design Project. However, the letter grade will be delivered by the Committee in Graduation Project.